The Legal Feasibility of Prosecuting American Authorities Imposing Sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the International Criminal Court

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D of International Law of Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran, Iran


Sanctions imposed by the US against Iran have had disastrous implications for the Iranian population and this requires the responsibility of those who imposed such sanctions. ICC as the only permanent court, which investigates the criminal responsibility of individuals, would be the most appropriate international forum for prosecuting American authorities imposing sanctions against Iran. According to jurisdictional limitations for Iran and the US as states not parties to the ICC Statute, the only way for Iran to resort to the Court is to accept jurisdiction of the Court concerning the crime in question under article 12(3) of Rome Statute through a declaration. Although sanctions are not considered by themselves as crime, implications of which could be categorized under the category of crimes against humanity including extermination, persecution, and other inhumane acts of a similar character. Notwithstanding, Iran may be prevented from the possibility of the exercise of the jurisdiction by the court against Iranian officials by excluding the court jurisdiction in its declaration to investigating the situation in question i.e. sanctions.


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