Guide for Authors

Submission of manuscripts

The Journal of International Criminal Law invites submission of manuscripts on International Criminal Law, International Law and Criminology. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor in Chief, accompanied by an assurance that the article has not been published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.

 The authors may submit Articles, Essays, and Current Developments on international Criminal law and National Case-Law relevant to International Criminal Law . To ensure timely processing of your manuscript, please ensure that your submission is properly formatted according to the following guidelines. If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email

Length of manuscript

Manuscripts submitted to the JICL may be as:

Lead Article: research article of no more than 25,000 words (including footnotes).

Essay: shorter article of up to 11,000 words, with less extensive footnotes.

Current Development: Comments on recent developments in the field of international criminal law up to 11,000 words.

Book reviews: A book review should have no more than 1600 words and should be lightly footnoted, if at all. The JICL recommends that a book review tries to present the contents of the book first, understand its “design”, engage the arguments in it in the light of its genre and on its own terms in the first instance, and then present the reviewer’s own critique. Reviewers need to be fair and aware of possible liability issues. They also are required to be reminded of rules against conflicts of interest, prohibiting any blood or intimate relationships or immediate supervisor/supervisee relationships (professor/supervisee; boss/immediate subordinate) between the person reviewing a book and the author of that book.






Paper size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm).

Margins: 3 cm Top; 3 cm Bottom; 2.5 cm Left; 2.5 cm Right.




Font: Times New Roman. Title size: 14. Style: bold. Alignment: centered.
Line spacing:

Ecocide: A New Challenge for the International Criminal Law and for Humanity



Font: Times New Roman. Title size: 12. Style: Italic. Alignment: centered.
Line spacing: 1.

by Camila Misko Moribe*, Flávio de Leão Bastos Pereira** & Nathalia Penha Cardoso de França***

The author(s)’ qualifications will be rendered in a corresponding footnote as follows:

** Professor of Human Rights and Constitutional Law. Mackenzie Presbyterian University (São Paulo, Brazil). 



Eventual acknowledgments shall be lodged in the footnote with the author’s qualifications (or if there’s more than one author, in the last footnote).

** Professor of Human Rights and Constitutional Law. Mackenzie Presbyterian University (São Paulo, Brazil).  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua….



Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12. Style: regular. Alignment: justified. Line spacing: 1.

The author(s) will insert an abstract of max. 500 words to introduce his/her/their contribution.

ABSTRACT: The present study develops the theme of ecocide, a recent approach to conduct that aims at natural environments, wiping out ecosystems, and wildlife, changing climate, and impacting indigenous peoples’ lives in natural lands…



Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12. Style: regular. Alignment: justified. Line spacing: 1.

The author(s) will insert, alphabetically, a minimum of 5 keywords to tag the contribution.

KEYWORDS: Ecocide; Environment; Genocide; International Court of Justice; Organised Crime.



Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12. Style: regular. Alignment: justified.
Line spacing: 1. Indent: first line by 1 cm.

  1. Introduction

The crime of genocide is already highly consolidated in international legal practice. It is already provided for in the Rome Statute, a document that creates and delimits the competence of the International Criminal Court; it has its own Convention.

International Environmental Law is also well-established, whose conferences, conventions, and meetings are repeated from time to time to re-discuss targets for de-pollution, reduction of deforestation, eradication of fires, carbon footprint, and carbon credits, among other matters of global urgency.

NOTE: The first sentence of a newly started section or sub-section does not need to be indented.



The contributions are encouraged to be structured in sections (e.g.: I. Introduction…. V. Conclusions). A section’s title must be rendered in bold and must be spaced by 2 lines from the previous section while by 1 line from its own text. Additionally, the initials of words different from articles, conjunctions, and prepositions (except when of >5 letters, e.g. “Beyond”) should be capitalized.

…even with the movement, until recently, there was no clear definition of the concept of genocide.



  1. The Doctrinal Concept of Ecocide and the War Crime Through the Destruction of the Environment of Art. 8 (2)(b)(iv) of the Rome Statute


In June 2021, twelve lawyers from around the world convened to form an Independent Expert Panel by the Stop Ecocide Foundation proposed a legal definition of ecocide, in order to guide an amendment to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court….

The contribution can layered not only in sections but also in subsections, which will be rendered in Italics and bold. At a lower level, it is mandatory to use only italics.
Different layers require different progressive numbered lists. Specifically, at the first layer, it will be necessary to use progressive numbers (I. II. III…); at the second layer, progressive letters (A. B. C…); at the third layer, progressive numbers (1. 2. 3…).

  1. The Doctrinal Concept of Ecocide and the War Crime Through the Destruction of the Environment of Art. 8 (2)(b)(iv) of the Rome Statute





  1. Ecocide Within the Rome Statute’s Wording





  1. Art. 8 under the Scope Lens





Number(s) = no. (nos.)

Paragraph = para. (paras.)

Point = pt.

Article = art.

Following (plural) = f. (ff.)

Note = nt.

Confer = cfr.

Idem = id.




Font: Times New Roman. Size: 10. Style: regular. Spacing: 1 line (single). Alignment: Justified.



Page numbers: always preceded by “at”. In the case of subsequent pages, they can be rendered with a hyphen (“-“),


... Journal of International Criminal Law 140 (2023), at 140-145.


whereas non-subsequent pages must have a comma (“,”) between them.


... Journal of International Criminal Law 140 (2023), at 140, 145.

… Journal of International Criminal Law 140 (2023), at 140, 145-150, 160.

It is possible to use also the “et seq.” formula in order to refer to an undefined number of pages coming after a specific one.

... Journal of International Criminal Law 140 (2023), at 141 et seq.



Authors: to refer to a work in your footnote, the first and last name(s). The first name must always be written before the last name.


Herch Lauterpacht, International Law (1977).


If there’s more than one (first) name, add space between the initials and the author's main first name (the initial letters of choice usually depend on how the author has been referenced before).


Jerome A. Cohen, The Criminal Process in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1963: An Introduction (1968).



Multiple authors: Should the book have more than one author/editor, provide to type every author under the criteria previously described, also adding a comma (“,”) between them.


William A. Schabas, Nadia Bernaz, Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law 10 (1st ed., 2011).


In the case of more than three authors/editors, please limit yourself to listing the first two and add “et. al.”. Alternatively, use the Aa. Vv. formula.


Kevin Heller, Frédéric Mégret et al., The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (2020).



Use of supra: in cases where a work, judgment, or legal act has been already referred to, discard the year of publication and use only the last name of the author, the body, or institution plus “supra note X”, where X is the number of the previous note for the complete reference.


Lauterpacht, supra note 7, at xxx.                                                   [add any page number when needed]


However, if said author, body, or institution has more than one document already referred to in your contribution, you should insert the specific title of it before the “supra note X” formula.


Lauterpacht, International Law, supra note 7, at 20.                                                                [Book]

Richmond, The Ad Hoc Tribunals, supra note 9, at 3.                                 [Chapter in book or article in journal]



Use of id.: whether the following note refers to the same contribution or document you want to use “id.” plus the page/para. number (if divergent from the previous footnote).


10 William A. Schabas, Nadia Bernaz, Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law 10 (1st ed., 2011).

11 Id.

12 Id., at 14.




Editors: if the book is an edited work, add “(ed.)” / “(eds.)” after the name(s) of the editor(s)


Book’s specifications and reference to books: The footnote must include the:                   

  • name of the author(s), rendered in Small Caps;
  • after the comma, the title of the book, rendered in Small Caps;
  • between (brackets): editors/translators qualification, and year of publication.

Micheal Bohlander, International Criminal Justice: A Critical Analysis of Institutions and Procedures (2007), at. 14-45.                                                                               

  1. Cherif Bassiouni, International Criminal Law (2008). [Author]

Crimes against Humanity in International Criminal Law (M. Cherif Bassiouni ed., 1999)                        [Editor]


Reference to chapters in the book: First, place the name author of the chapter followed by the title of the chapter in Italics. Proceed with the insertion of “in”, followed by the remaining book specifications between (brackets. Proceed to add the name of the editor(s) and the year of publication between brackets.

Sean Richmond, The Ad Hoc Tribunals: Image, Origins, Pathways, Legacies, in International Criminal Law in Context (Philipp Krastner ed., 2018), at 120-160.



Journal’s specifications: the footnote must include the:

  • name of the author(s), rendered in Roman (regular);
  • after the comma, the title of the article, rendered in Italic;
  • after the comma, volume number;
  • between (brackets), issue number attached to the volume number;
  • name of the journal after the period in Small Caps;
  • page number where the referenced article starts;
  • between (brackets), year of publication;
  • after the comma, page(s) preceded by “at”, if any,


Polly Higgins, Damien Short et al., Protecting the Planet: A Proposal for a Law of Ecocide, 59(3) Crime, Law and Social Change 200 (2013), at 251.



The reference must encompass the name of the Author, the exact date between (brackets), the title of the article in Italics, the institutional owner of the domain in Small Caps, and finally the URL. Do not write “available at” or “at” before the URL, nor add “last checked on” or similia after it.

Months should be written in the following abbreviated forms: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. The day of the month will follow such an abbreviated form, whereas the year will be placed after a comma.

Write the entire URL as appears in the address bar of the browser, and remove the hyperlink.


Cristina Orsini, New Hopes for Justice in Libya?, Coalition for the ICC (June 6, 2023),



Provide the name of the institution, the type of the act, the name of the act and the no. of the document, the date of the act between (brackets) and any additional information (paragraphs, etc.).

UNGA, Res. 76/185, Preventing and combating crimes that affect the environment (Jan. 11, 2021), para. 6.



Provide the name of the court, the name of the case parties, and the id. number of the case, the chamber or section of the court, the type of the decision, the date of the decision between (brackets), and any additional information.

ICC, Mr Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman, ICC-02/05-01/20-982, Appeal Chamber, Judgment (June 28, 2023), para. 20.




The quotes will be comprised in double quotation marks, whenever their length is less than two lines. Text omissions shall be rendered with the use of “[…]”.

In the same vein, Arthur H. Westing, one of the pioneers in studies on the subject, asserted that “intent may not only be impossible to establish without admission but […] I believe, it is essentially irrelevant”.

Additionally, any quotation containing another quotation must use double quotation marks for the first and single quotation marks for the second.

The reporter stated that “when we proceeded to interview the Commissioner, he claimed they simply ‘followed the procedure’ and added nothing else”.



The quotes will be rendered in a text of 11 size, with an intent of 1 cm, when the quote is longer than two lines. Omissions shall be rendered with the use of “[…]” too.

This provision punished the act of intentionally launching a military attack against a certain area, aware that

[…] such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage […] to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated.

In these cases, a quotation containing another quotation will use double quotation marks only for the second.

According to the author

A well-informed public can contribute to guaranteeing “lasting respect for and the enforcement of international justice”. The purpose of this contribution is to promote a better understanding of the International Criminal Court by providing answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Court.



The quotes will be comprised in double quotation marks regardless of their length and follow the above rules regarding quotations within other quotations as well as omitted parts of the text.



Placing footnotes: In the main text, the number corresponding to a footnote has to be placed after and not before punctuation.

 In the same vein, Arthur H. Westing, one of the pioneers in studies on the subject, asserted that “intent may not only be impossible to establish without admission but, I believe, it is essentially irrelevant”.54

Cross-references: it is possible to reference to other sections or sub-sections of the contributions by using infra or supra and the number of the section between (brackets).

…impossible not to consider this provision as the first international criminal norm of an environmental nature, since, among the legal interests protected by the norm, is the environment. There was, as seen supra (Section 3), a concern of the drafters of the statute for environmental protection.

Hyphen and “n” dash: The author can make use or a hyphen (“-”) to join words or parts of words, and it's not interchangeable with the various dashes.

Although not always legally defined, the China-Russia political axes are well-understood…

This is valid for time periods too.

During the 1939-1945 time period…

Instead, the “n” dash (“–”) must be used for parenthetical elements.

Inter alia, since 2009, no testing for cosmetics purposes has been carried out in the EU – since 2005, the overall quality of animal transport has improved with the number of animals transported with injury or exhaustion significantly decreasing.


Inter alia – since 2009, and arguably before that – no testing for cosmetics purposes has been carried out in the EU.

Use of italics: both in the text and footnotes. the use of the Italic style is requested for foreign words.

During the 1939-1945 time period, the existence of the criminal juris gentium became evident.

It is similarly required for the case law.

…it has its own Convention, which is even recently being discussed in the case of Ukraine v. Russia at the International Court of Justice…

It is also allowed (rather than “double quotation marks”) to put emphasis on some words.

Based on this concern, we will face in this essay the combination of the crime of genocide with environmental damage and the emergence of a new definition that takes shape every day: ecocide as an international core crime.

Submission Format:

Please submit all material in .doc or .docx format. Please do not submit manuscripts in PDF or gpg or other formats.


Abstract: Articles and Essays require an Abstract of no more than 100 words. The Abstract must be a brief summary of the manuscript and should not introduce new ideas that are not mentioned in the main body of the manuscript.

Title page: Please include a separate title page that lists the manuscript’s title, author’s contact, and affiliation information.


Manuscripts should be double-spaced in 12-point, Times New Roman font, including all text, footnotes, and block quotations, and formatted flush left. No extra spaces should be inserted between paragraphs or footnotes. Each new paragraph should begin with a single tab indentation.

Please ensure that the manuscript does not contain any author-identifying information to keep the review process properly anonymized. This information should be included on the title page.

Manuscripts should be submitted with footnotes, not endnotes, adhering to The Bluebook (20th Edition) citation style. All footnotes should be automatically numbered by use of Arabic numbers.


Referencing Style:

Your referencing shall be based on The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition 20th Edition by Columbia Law Review (Compiler), Harvard Law Review (Compiler), University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Compiler), Yale Law Journal (Compiler). The book is available HERE.


Review Process

All submissions are considered by the Co-Editors-in-Chief as soon as feasible upon receipt, with expedited attention paid to exclusive submissions and to manuscripts, including candidates for Essays and Current Developments, that are less than 11,000 words.

Note: these guidelines are mostly regulated based on AJIL guidelines.